Thursday, August 16, 2012

Feeling His Love

There is a tender melody sung by primary age children that describes different ways we can feel our Savior’s love. We feel it when we look at the beautiful world around us. We feel it when we kneel to pray. We feel it as we recognize blessings. That song had drifted in and out of my mind for a week when I finally stopped and asked myself, “How do I feel my Savior’s love?” 
Immediately I thought of the day we received the news that Harold’s immune system was fighting back, attacking the cancer in his body.  It’s logical to feel loved when life is good and fervent prayers are answered. 

But my thoughts also turned to the days and hours before the good news. 

The time of waiting was an intense mixture of wanting/not wanting the doctor’s report.  The appointed day would never come, and then it did. We went about our morning routine with a studied nonchalance, calmly making preparations to leave, discussing mundane household concerns and stealing sidelong glances at the clock; but in the car the undercurrent of tension broke to the surface. By the time we reached the freeway I took a deep breath and asked, “Will it make any difference what we find out today?”

There was a moment of silence as Harold pondered the question, then he replied, “No, it will not.”  I agreed.

Harold understood what I was really asking: Will bad news diminish our faith in the Savior Jesus Christ or undermine our understanding of Heavenly Father’s plan for us?  Will bad news destroy the peace we’ve felt and will continue to need if we have reason to grieve? No it will not! We choose faith.  
With that, the air was cleared. Instead of tension there was a feeling of lightness, of optimism. We were going to be fine no matter what.  

And that’s when I truly felt my Savior’s love.  

I feel my Savior’s love in all the world around me.
His Spirit warms my soul through everything I see.
He knows I will follow him, give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior’s love, the love he freely gives me.1

I’ve come to understand that our Savior’s love can sometimes be felt more powerfully, more intimately, when things are not going well, when all we can do is rely on His love for comfort and strength, whether or not it is His will to remove our burdens. 

That’s my experience. I’ve taken some time deciding whether to post it, yet in gratitude how could I not? Our Savior’s love is real. He wants us to feel it. He offers this invitation and promise:

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:2830

Harold and I testify, along with the primary children and the multitudes who've gone before, that we feel our Savior's love .  .  .  and give thanks. 

1 “I Feel My Savior’s Love” by K. Newell Dayley in Children’s Songbook, page 74.

You can hear this beautiful song by following the link below. Select “recorded music” then words and music then press the play button. Warning: This song has been known to stick in your head.


  1. Another warning- this post needs to come with a box of tissues ;) Thank you.

  2. I am glad you decided to share these thoughts. I know it has been a blessing for me to be able to read your experiences and feel your testimony over these last few months.

  3. I hope you don't mind that I shared this on a friend's facebook wall. Her 17 year old daughter was just diagnosed with a rare brainstem tumor. I was going to send the link in a message but thought her other friends, knowing what she was going through, would find comfort especially in this post. Thank you for the example you and Harold are to all of us and thank you especially for sharing this tender testimony.

  4. Stephanie expressed my feelings perfectly. Thanks Stephanie, and thank you Sharon. We'd love to meet you at theTemple some day and share time in a session together. We try to go every week, but not on any set schedule. Let us know.
