Thursday, May 10, 2012

Update - Gamma Knife #2

We’re just home from the hospital. The Gamma Knife Surgery went well. Harold is now resting with two ice packs on his head one in front and one in back. He is determined to be more aggressive in preventing the swelling that dropped to his eyes lids last time, swelling them nearly shut. Let you know in a couple days if that works.1
Six tumors were treated this time, but here is the good news: These were not new tumors.2
Here is how we know. The neurosurgeon superimposed the highly detailed MIR from Harold’s last treatment over the one they took today and could see those spots were there before. They just weren’t big enough to verify they were melanoma. They could have been blood vessels.  

The surgeon indicated that everything looks good. Harold will have a follow up MRI in six to eight weeks.  

1 The gamma knife procedure itself did not cause the swelling but the attachment of the head frame to his skull and the injection of numbing medication.
2For those keeping track, this brings the brain tumor total to 20. Our family is a bit competitive but this is ridiculous. You win, Harold. Stop!


  1. Mom, thanks for including a little humor in your posts. I'm sure there are other competitions my competitive father-in-law would prefer to win. We should play Rook. Or racketball.

    We love you guys and are so relieved the surgery went well.

  2. What an intense few months! I just read the last few posts and it is good to hear things are still moving forward and you are having some nice time with family.

  3. I just wanted to chime in and let you know I'm still reading the blog. No witty responses this time, but I appreciate each post. Like so many others, I continue to pray with you and to enjoy the things you share.
