Tuesday, January 15, 2013

MRI Update

Harold had his scheduled brain MRI today. It was a good news/bad news report.

Good news:   No new tumors
Bad news:      Three previously treated tumors have increased in size.

This could mean one of two things. First it could be the normal necrosis or death of those tissues treated by gamma knife. Instead of just going away, they have created an area of inflammation. Second it could mean the tumors did not fully respond to the gamma knife treatment. They may be actively growing cancer.

In either case they have to be addressed. One is located in the back left quadrant of Harold’s head. This one will receive another gamma knife treatment. The other two are on the upper right side of his head. They will be surgically removed. 

So this will be round three for brain surgery and round five for gamma knife. Meanwhile we are leaving in the morning for a week in Kauai, our favorite Hawaiian island. We knew when we scheduled this trip it would be the day after an MRI. Harold reasoned that if it was good news we would enjoy the celebration. If it was bad news, we’d still enjoy the trip as a welcome respite before the next stage of the battle.

Harold continues to feel great despite ongoing chemotherapy treatment. We’re looking forward to some hiking adventures.


  1. Glad you get to go to Hawaii. It was our home for four years while Darrel got his PhD. It was a good place to be poor back then. Maile was born there. We went back a year ago with Maile and Brad and had a wonderful time. It's a great place to prepare and to mend.

    Darrel and Paula

  2. Mahalo for keeping us up to date so we can keep you guys more specifically in our thoughts and prayers. Enjoy the adventures in Hawaii!
