Friday, June 7, 2013

Update - No Words

No words were necessary. The PET scan images graphically showed the verdict. Harold has significant new tumor growth throughout his liver and the rest of his body. We are past the point where medical treatment can offer hope. Our doctor and good friend kindly suggested it was time to transition to hospice care in our home, and wrote the orders. I asked what he would have suggested if this scan belonged to a young, newly diagnosed patient who hadn’t yet endured the rigors of immunotherapy, chemotherapy, brain surgery and gamma knife. The answer was the same: hospice.

We left our oncologist’s office knowing our close association had ended. With that closure I also thought of our surgeon and his nursing staff who have guided us through so much. I marvel that they are able to open their hearts to care, as they clearly do, when experience has taught them they will face many conclusions like ours today.

The next stop was down two floors to radiation oncology. We may be done with chemotherapy and surgery but Harold’s prognosis still allows for palliative care. Radiation treatment was started to treat the tumor near his optic nerve which is causing double vision and without treatment may soon take his sight. And, after viewing the PET scan results, they offered radiation treatment for Harold’s liver. Not as a curative measure but to shrink the largest tumor mass that is now causing Harold considerable pain. So far it is controlled by medication. There is a very slim chance that radiation to the liver may also reawaken a heightened immune response spurred by immunotherapy treatment a year ago. We don’t know how much his continued need for steroids may cancel that effect.

There is marked warmth and caring demonstrated in this department. These offered treatments, though not curative, buffer the emptiness of knowing medicine cannot offer long term hope. But there is another kind of hope that hasn’t wavered. It is a hope in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Last Friday when Harold was in the ER, I called radiation oncology to cancel the treatment he was scheduled to start that day. I had not previously visited the department, but when I called and explained Harold’s situation, the man answering the phone stepped out of his receptionist role to express genuine concern and declared he would pray for Harold; and I could tell he meant it.

This kind of hope, a faith in Christ, is the most powerful tool we have in times of need. It carried us through the long day yesterday. It carried me through calling our children last night and it carries me still as I try to put words to this experience. 

As we drove home yesterday I thought, “This day should be the worst day of my life . . . but it isn't.” I vocalized the thought then posed the question to Harold, “Is this the worst day of your life?”

Past the point of exhaustion and eyes closed to block the jarring of the road, his response was immediate and sure. “No," he replied, "it isn't.” Our son Darren, who had been with us for support, offered the same response. We feel calm. We feel protected. Nothing has changed. We still choose faith.

P.S. Harold has been so weak he has had difficulty eating and drinking. Dinner last night was broth. This morning for the first time in weeks he didn’t feel like throwing up. We “high fived” over being done with chemotherapy and its side effects. Then he said he wanted his special scrambled eggs for breakfast.

“You want me to make scrambled eggs?” I questioned, thrilled he felt he could eat.

“No, he replied, I want to make scrambled eggs!” And he did. This was the first time post surgery he has moved so confidently. He made and enjoyed a full breakfast.


  1. All I can say is that I just love your family and think of you often. You are amazing examples. Thank you for opening your heart and allowing us to learn from you.

  2. Harold and Sharon, my heart is broken with this news. I have been anxiously following the blog and have been praying for your family. Thank you for sharing such difficult things with us and for bearing your testimonies of Christ. You are truly great examples to the world of what it means to take upon the name of Jesus Christ and to be a servant unto Him. You probably don't realize that your strong testimonies and your love of life made an impact on me at an early age, and you continue to strengthen me. I have always held you two and the rest of the Jones family in a special place in my heart, and I will always love you and thank you for being amazing examples! Know that we are continuing our prayers on your behalf!! Love, Kim (Kunz) Powell

  3. Your faith inspires me and our family. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Holly (Emily's sister)

  4. My keyboard and monitor are extremely blurry right now !!! I truly believe and hope that if anyone can win the battle it is you, President Jones !! I'm feeling like the world is changing drastically -- !! Please know that SO MANY are SO aware of this and are continuing to believe and hope too!!! President/Bishop Jones I love you and appreciate all you have done for me!! You are a wonderful man with great strength and testimony and leadership. I continue to keep praying, hoping and believing. With Love and respect and Faith, Kathy Koeven

  5. I don't know that I have words right now except to say how much I love you both. Your strength and grace are amazing and even now, in your sorrow, you continue to inspire and teach. Thank you. Know that you are loved.
    Your friend, Terry.

  6. This is sad news indeed after such a long and valiant battle. Yet as we know, prayers never go unheard or unanswered. Your path of faith reminds me of this quote, of which you are probably familiar: "We cannot have true faith in the Lord without also having complete trust in the Lord's will and in the Lord's timing. As a result, no matter how strong our faith is, it cannot produce a result contrary to the will of Him in whom we have faith." We are reminded of this when our prayers do not seem to be answered in the way or at the time we desire. May God continue to give you strength and peace.

  7. Harold and Sharon

    We love you. You are great examples to me and my family because of your choice to exercise faith.

    May God bless you and your family

    Robert Jones

  8. Your family's kindness and strength of faith have always had an impact on my life in such a positive way. When I was young and afraid because my grandma was in the hospital you guys took me into your home and were there for me. I don't remember much about exactly what happened in that time but I do remember walking into your home and feeling such an overwhelming feeling of love that I wasn't scared. I know that, that same love and faith will guide you through this challenging time. Thank you for being such amazing pillars of faith and love in our neighborhood. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, and if you need anything at all we are right next door don't hesitate to let us know.

    James McDonald II

  9. Love and Hugs.
    Darrel and Paula
