Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Today we leave for a road trip our first venture out of the Denver area since Harold’s diagnosis. Squeezed between medical appointments, it’s a chance to enjoy some mountain scenery and see family.  Harold’s back driving so we can share turns at the wheel.
At first we were hesitant to venture out for fear of side effects.  So far Harold’s only experienced an annoying but not dangerous rash. A more serious reaction can be treated at any hospital. We will carry Harold’s medical records and our oncologist is only a phone call away.

Harold’s fourth and final infusion is scheduled for June 15th. He will have another PET scan sometime after that. This will be the first chance to see if the treatments are working. Of course we’re hoping the tumors will be gone, but we’re told it would not be bad news if they aren’t. Patients have been scanned after the fourth infusion and all the tumors were still there, only to be rescanned scanned six months later and all the tumors were gone.  Bad news will be if the scan shows new tumor growth.

Harold’s next brain MRI is scheduled for June 27th. Again the brain gets a separate treatment plan. Any new tumors there are subject to gamma knife until systemic treatment stops the growth and spread of cancer throughout the rest of his body. 

Got to run. We’re off for an adventure. Thanks you for your continued faith and prayers. We recognize we are being greatly blessed.


  1. Your faith is really inspiring. Enjoy the road trip!

  2. Enjoy your time away !!! Thanks for the updates! You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers !!
