Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gamma Knife Approved

7:45 a.m.
Just got word that the Gamma Knife procedure has been approved by our insurance company! This is a huge relief. We  are grateful for the work, faith and prayers that have allowed this appeal to go through for approval. 


  1. Great News!! Thank you Sharon for your awesome posts…there is power in hope, faith and prayers shared by friends and family that gives the recipient(s) a real, tangible strength that is not only felt, but also helps to buoy you up during times like this. It is a gift. Know that our family continues our prayers for your family. This brings back so many memories for me as I read your words. We love and miss you all.

    Leslie Barrowes

  2. Good luck on the Scan today. We love you


  3. I am glad things continue to go in a positive direction! Hope this is a good week!
